Click to enlargeAppreciation Donations

As most of you know, we obviously work long and hard to provide quality resources for all of you at no charge.

By staying user friendly and "G" rated, we have not run gambling ads, dating services, and incredibly annoying flashing ads at you. Unfortunately, those are about the only advertisers spending any money on Internet advertising today. It has become incredibly difficult to maintain the operation of the website and pay the bills for hosting and development of new content with only advertising supporting the site.

While we hope that this effort has made your visits and use of a more beneficial experience, advertising revenue has declined so drastically that it no longer provides even close to enough money for us to continue as a free site indefinitely.

Our only alternative may be to make our content available on a subscription only basis, where you would have to pay a subscription fee to have access to our content.

If you appreciate our effort and would like to see continue to provide free resources for you at no charge, please contribute by clicking one of the amounts below and charging a small contribution to your credit card. This is only an option. Unless and until we are forced to become a subscription site you can still use the site without charge.

Without your help, PinkMonkey may be forced to become a subscription site in the future and that is something we don't want to do.

Your contribution will enable us to continue to operate the site without charge. As an alternative, you can purchase one of our downloadable booknotes, even if you don't need it.

We appreciate your support and our effort to remain a free and available resource for all of the students, teachers and parents out there.

The benefit of contributing: If you make a contribution now (using one of the links below), we'll keep track of it. You will receive a complimentary one year subscription to our paid service in the future (if we are ever forced to make that change, but we hope it won't happen). Without your generous support, it will certainly become a necessity.

Thank you for your support,

Chris Greene

$4.00 Contribution
PinkMonkey Appreciation Contribution

$4.00 Contribution
$5.00 Contribution
PinkMonkey Appreciation Contribution

$5.00 Contribution
$10.00 Contribution
PinkMonkey Appreciation Contribution

$10.00 Contribution
$15.00 Contribution
PinkMonkey Appreciation Contribution

$15.00 Contribution

If you would like to contribute an amount larger than listed, just increase the quantity in your shopping cart to match your intended contribution.

Your generous support of our effort is appreciated more than you know. Thank you for your support!